Disclaimer & Membership Terms

By becoming a memberĀ  you accept responsibility for cycling at your own risk, Clapham Cycle is not liable for any injury sustained to yourself, or any other person to which you may influence. Whilst Clapham Cycle will endeavour to ensure your safety and that of everyone, we strongly recommend and insist that you perform the following:

  • Take out personal insurance for both you and your bicycle;
  • Follow the highway code;
  • Ensure your bicycle is in good working order;
  • Wear a correctly fitted and fastened cycling helmet;
  • Carry a fully charged mobile phone;
  • Carry some cash, mobile phone, inner tubes and a mini-pump on all Club rides;
  • Carry some form of identification on all rides;
  • Ensure adequate hydration and nourishment on long rides;
  • Dress appropriately for the weather conditions;
  • Wear reflective clothing and carry bike lights during evening and night sessions;
  • Respect the rules of the public highways;
  • Slow down, give way or stop in the interests of courtesy, safety or obligation;
  • Avoid confrontation with other road users and pedestrians;
  • Act responsibly to promote the good image of cyclists.
  • Keep to the left wherever possible;
  • Ride two abreast where the conditions allow, and go single file on busy roads;
  • Maintain an orderly riding pattern at all times;
  • Learn and use the club calls to warn other riders in the group of pot-holes, glass, parked cars and other hazards which may require the following riders to alter course;
  • Pay attention to the route taken on group rides, so that they can retrace their steps should they drop out of the ride for any reason;
  • Ensure you make note of the contact details for the ride leader(s) on the day;